On going project budget for the year 2022-2024

Sl. Particulars :
01. Name of organization : Bangladesh Lutheran Mission-Finnish (BLM-F)
02. Name of project : Socio Economic Participation Project
03. Duration of project implementation : 3 (three) years (2022-2024)
04. Project areas : District/City coorporation Upa-zila/Thana Union
Naogaon Sapahar and Porsha Sapahar, Tillna, Sironti, Ayheigh, Patari, Goala, Ghatnagar and Murshipur
05. Direct beneficiaries number of project : 31,134
06. Year wise budget allocation : 1st Year 2022 2nd Year 2023 3rd Year 2024 Total budget
98,40,000 97,88,000 98,05,000 294,33,000
07. District and Upa-zila wise budget allocation : Sapahar Porsha
Year 2022 Year 2023 Year 2024 Year 2022 Year 2023 Year 2024
59,28,000 60,28,000 59,18,000 24,92,000 20,98,000 24,70,000
08. Details budget (as described in 12 column of FD-6 : Click for details (Download PDF)