Community Empowerment for Food Access and Savings Project (CEFAS)

The project seeks to address the issue of food insecurity and malnutrition in North-West Bangladesh.  In 2020 we supported 150 savings groups with 3073 members. Other project activities are saving groups management and training, federation formation, self employment training, environment and pollution resistance, tree plantation, goat distribution, handicraft training and agriculture activities. There have been 27,690 total beneficiaries in 2020.  These components of the CEFAS project are funded by the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Finnish Lutheran Overseas Mission.

In addition, through this project BLM-F supports primary level education through a network of 3 Community Schools and through a boarding centre.  In 2020 280 children attended our schools.  This component is supported by private donations through the Finnish Lutheran Overseas Mission.